
Windows-based SFTP Server

This guide demonstrates the precedure for creating a Windows-based SFTP server using the built-in OpenSSH instance. The end result is an SFTP server only available to the “sftpusers” group via sftp only. There will be no ssh shell access to the server.

System Requirements

  • Windows 10 1809 or later, Windows Server 2019 or later
  • A careful eye on security
  • Recommendations, in case of compromise
    • Do not add the server to the domain
    • If the server is exposed to the internet, keep it in a DMZ
    • Do not use the server for other purposes

Create SFTP Users

  1. Add local user account for service (eg. ‘Powerschool’)
  2. Add local group named ‘sftpusers’
    1. Add service user to ‘sftpusers’ group

Create SFTP Chroot folder

  1. Under C:\, create a folder named ‘sftp’
  2. Edit the folder security settings and disable inheritance
  3. Add ‘sftpusers’ group with Modify rights

Install OpenSSH Server

  1. Open PowerShell as administrator
  2. Enter the following command
    Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server* | Add-WindowsCapability -Online

Start OpenSSH Service

  1. Open PowerShell as administrator
  2. Enter the following commands
    Set-Service sshd -StartupType Automatic
    Start-Service sshd

Configure OpenSSH Service

  1. Open PowerShell as administrator
  2. Backup default config
    cd C:\ProgramData\ssh
    cp .\sshd_config .\sshd_config.bak
  3. Open configuration file with
    notepad.exe sshd_config
  4. Replace entire configuration with
    ForceCommand internal-sftp
    Subsystem  sftp   internal-sftp -d "C:\sftp\"
    ChrootDirectory C:\sftp
    PermitTunnel no
    AllowAgentForwarding no
    AllowTcpForwarding no
    X11Forwarding no
    AllowGroups sftpusers
  5. Save and close the file

Restart OpenSSH Service

  1. Open PowerShell as administrator
  2. Enter the following command:
    Restart-Service sshd

Test SSH Connection (should fail)

  1. Verify you are not able to connect to the server from another machine via ssh with any user account
    ssh <useraccount>@<newserverip>

Test SFTP Connection (should work)

  1. Use sftp to connect to the server (you can also use WinSCP of Filezilla)
    sftp <useraccount>@<newserverip>
  2. Once connected, verify you cannot change to a higher directory
    • cd .., for example, should return “permission denied”

Ensure a Safe Environment

  1. Edit the local firewall to only allow certain hosts/networks to port 22
  2. If allowing access from the internet, edit the internet firewall ACLs to only allow traffic in from trusted IP addresses on port 22
  3. Ensure automatic updates are running and do not require intervention.
  4. Ensure endpoint security is installed and running
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